Can you do one that counts how many people go directly from drinking in front of Mr. Liquor and then into their cars or dirt bikes?
This is such a cool vibe, thank you so much for this. We need more of this around the world - a franchise effort! :)
Someone has rickrolled the bop spotter!
Amazing concept. I also really love the almost Apple Newton/Palm Pilot vibes of the UI, too.
This is amazing. I really wish there was an Apple Music playlist that was live-updated I could follow.
Great job, i hope the author passes by here, would like to know what brought him on the idea.
How do people sleep with that noise? I see the noise and music is through the night.
Awesome project.
I'm mildly annoyed at battery bars not completely filling the battery at 100%
The hardest person in the Mission was the person playing Ed Sheeran.
2 Live crew @ 9:03A most likely because they were mentioned on NPR this morning
Super sick!! Convert this to a live radio/realtime feed
Can you add youtube music as a "listen to" link?
How did the author get Shazam to constantly sample songs?
As a resident of the Mission, I approve of this.
somebody needs to do this at a couple of starbucks in key areas, record anon conversations and build a browsable map of topics
Cool idea, we need a way to stream the playlist!
heh, someone's music program didn't get the right track on the first search:
2:05 AM - DM - Yailin la Mas Viral
2:03 AM - Nota - Yailin la Mas Viral
I really love the LCD aesthetic of this site.
This is a fantastically fun little project
Now this is a unique idea.
I'd like to see this rolled out widely so we can get some map of music.
Hacking is not dead, love it Walz.
Next step: make a radio station
You sir are simply awesome!
I spent too much time on TikTok, because I got confused how a "bop" spotter even worked.
nice would be to add mapping data, and correlate to other factors.
Guess who is heading to the Mission today to play my fav songs!:D
Love projects like this
2 live crew is a W
This is very funny
I was on the ground in SF yesterday and this caught a pro-Trump car convoy blasting God Bless America yesterday so it definitely can work if cars are blasting music. Certainly an interesting project.
Nice 2 know thx
damn this is old internet. love it!
wow so much latino la el musica
Setting up a hidden microphone that is constantly streaming to a server that is recording it forever should be illegal, if it isn't already.
this rocks so hard
Fuck I love the design of this page. Kudos to the web dev who built it.
Brilliant now we need an automated daily playlist based on all that
Nothing says good vibes like "Me So Horny" at 9:03AM lol
Fuck this is so cool love it
Huh? “Total Shazams ever detected: 240. That's an average of 240 songs per day.”
I fucking love this. hilarious idea
How do you get the data out of the Shazam app (?)