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I ditched the algorithm for RSS

682 pointsby DearNarwhallast Thursday at 12:18 PM261 commentsview on HN


arjielast Thursday at 4:59 PM

I'm a fan of RSS too. Some people I know use substack to write. I would ideally like to use kill-the-newsletter for that but I had trouble with delivery with substack. Fortunately, these days LLMs are quite quick so I was able to whip up a little tool that does this for myself: https://github.com/roshan/superheap

It's incomplete but sufficient. LLMs drop the cost of software to near zero. I barely had to learn anything.

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fuddlelast Thursday at 10:50 PM

> I waste too much time scrolling through social media. It's bad for my health, so why do I keep doing it? Because once in a while, I'll find a post so good that it teaches me something I never knew before, and all the scrolling feels worth it.

Intermittent reinforcement, the technique companies use to get people addicted to social media. Similar to how slot machines are designed.

gunianyesterday at 1:42 AM

Speaking of algorithms definitely a far fetched idea if there was a LLM esque tool trained on all digital data produced by humans since computers were a thing and had root level access to all devices on the planet could it alter shuffling algorithms even on self hosted stuff to display items a specific way?

benttlast Thursday at 3:56 PM

I love the idea of owning my own feed very much. These days it feels like a local and/or private LLM that had some web crawling ability would be able to do a better job than RSS.

That seems like such an obvious project that someone's working on it, but the trick is that I would NOT subject myself to a monetized AI that is injecting content into my eyeballs that isn't in my best interest. So it's not necessarily something that fits current models of "the user is the product".

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purplezooeyyesterday at 4:17 AM

He gives a few good examples of well-supported RSS feeds, but the reality is, in 2025, RSS is dying. So many places have RSS feeds that constantly break, suddenly stop updating, get relocated without notice, or don't exist at all.

andreasschermanyesterday at 8:14 AM

I took the other approach: I ditched the algorithm for newsletters: https://redditletter.com

robofanaticlast Thursday at 8:39 PM

My biggest complaint with the algorithm is to stop assuming what I like and pollute my feed with random irrelevant content.

galleywest200last Thursday at 5:32 PM

News Explorer on iOS/iPadOS/MacOS is great if you want a one-time purchase app that syncs your RSS feeds across your devices.

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mulderclast Thursday at 9:15 PM

I remember back when people were ditching RSS for twitter and I thought it was insane. Looks like I was right!

chislast Thursday at 3:32 PM

I’ve been meaning to give this a shot. I wonder if anyone has figured out how to fit Twitter into RSS? It’s obviously not a natural fit since there are many more posts but the average quality and length is lower. But if I could figure it out, then similar to what this article says, it would help permanently break the habit of endlessly scrolling a feed.

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hellcowlast Thursday at 10:25 PM

Not a single mention here of FeedFlow, available on F-Droid. An absolute gem of an app.

qudatlast Thursday at 8:04 PM

For anyone looking for an rss-to-email service, check out https://pico.sh/feeds

You can manage your email digests completely through the CLI and we are constantly making improvements to the service.

uncertainquarklast Thursday at 6:32 PM

Most introductions to RSS assume that people want to know about RSS! And so here’s a more people-centric explainer instead: https://journal.jatan.space/why-use-rss/

nfriedlylast Thursday at 6:13 PM

I have my own little instance of FreshRSS and I love it. Both the software itself - any time I discover and report an issue, it gets taken seriously and fixed fairly quickly - and also my collection of feeds:

* High quality blogs (Bartosz Ciechanowski, Bits about Money, etc.)

* Local government announcements

* OpenWRT updates (subscribed to the releases/announcements forum)

* Price trackers for things I want to buy eventually but can wait until they go on sale (keepa, appagg)

* The Money Stuff newsletter (via kill-the-newsletter)

* Comics like XKCD

* Book authors I like (mostly via RSSBridge + goodreads)

* etc.

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gfioravlast Thursday at 7:48 PM

I use this method with X. I only follow a few accounts and exclusively use the following view (which prevents algorithmic content push).

The drawback is that it can become monotonous. However, there’s the “For You” view and the curated news section to mitigate this.

mrtzlast Thursday at 7:00 PM

The thing that annoys me with RSS is the lack of paging. It's great to get updates, but most pages only have the last x articles in their feed. Which means a lot of older, still valuable content is not discoverable anymore.

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simonwlast Thursday at 5:22 PM

I use and like RSS, but the problem with RSS is that it mostly only exposes you to voices you already know about.

(Ideally you can subscribe to people who deliberately amplify other voices - a reason I like link blogs - but it's hard to find dedicated curators like that.)

That's why I actively seek out algorithmic discovery. It's one of the things I like about Bluesky over Mastodon: Bluesky has a "discover" feed (and the ability to add more custom feeds too). It's good.

therealfionalast Thursday at 4:14 PM

I've been meaning to get back on the RSS wagon. I ran TT-RSS some years ago and it fell apart at one time due to my lack of time to maintain it.

Is TT-RSS still the go-to, or is there something else I should take a look at?

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atmosxlast Thursday at 10:19 PM

In today's world, algorithms are essential. It's similar to scrolling through Netflix for a movie - you might spend 90 minutes, the length of a movie, just searching for the perfect one you haven't seen yet. To avoid that, we rely on algorithms that automatically tailor suggestions based on our personal preferences.

The next logical step, in my opinion for privacy-oriented users is to own their algorithms and have the ability to analyse and customise them. Who knows, we might even discover something new about ourselves. That could make for an interesting side project.

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rldjbpinyesterday at 10:57 AM

any advice on how to get the first n posts from the /front page of hn as an rss feed? since it keeps on changing, a daily snapshot (at midnight UTC for example) could be handy.

m4r1klast Thursday at 6:22 PM

What client do you use on mobile and on desktop? I like very much Reeder Classic but perhaps there are better alternatives.

maxgluteyesterday at 9:10 AM

I've accepted RSS Not coming back. At this point just waiting for headless AI helper that browses through all my regular pages in the back ground and assemble into local RSS.

Axsuulyesterday at 1:50 AM

Has anyone been able to figure out how to generate RSS feeds for Nextdoor?

kevinsundarlast Thursday at 6:28 PM

The one thing holding RSS back is that finding RSS feeds and subscribing to them in another app is frankly time consuming.

I built a free service for people who specifically want to track updates / features / releases to SaaS tools, services, and GitHub repos. https://www.getchangelog.com . It effectively is an RSS search engine + email digest

I think its unique because it uses a combination of LLM based web scraping to find rss feeds and I am working on a solution to generate RSS feeds from any blog / api changelog right now to expand the set of sources. I really wish RSS was more widespread and there was a better discovery solution.

digblast Thursday at 8:41 PM

Been on this tip for 6 months, glad to hear i am not alone

ai-christiansonlast Thursday at 7:55 PM

Just realized RSS+LLM might be a really nice combo.

Use RSS to get the full take then use a local LLM to filter out the noise and customize the feed to one's personal preferences.

throwaway0665last Thursday at 9:28 PM

redlib supports rss feeds and is a much better ad-free, tracker-free, distraction-free frontend for reddit

dtononlast Thursday at 9:23 PM

RSS is great, Nostr is potentially greater. A lot of work is being put in "transparent" and customizable algorithms for discoverability.

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xenodiumlast Thursday at 6:22 PM

On the blogging side, I’m doing my bit for the web and built a new service minus the yucky bits of modern web (tracking, ads, paywalls, bloat…) https://lmno.lol does rss too. Full content of course.

For example, my blog https://lmno.lol/alvaro and https://lmno.lol/alvaro/feed

sigmonsayslast Thursday at 10:28 PM

miniflux is where it's at

what we need next is a way to categorize, group subscribe to similar rss

deegleslast Thursday at 10:10 PM

I still miss Google Reader.

due-rryesterday at 6:03 AM

I agree. That’s why I created the simplest possible RSS reader[1]. I use it daily, but so far I’m the only user :D.

[1]: https://motherfuckingrssreader.com/

monkaijuyesterday at 3:34 AM

Going to be increasingly necessary as search engines continue to get worse.

grahamjyesterday at 3:24 AM

I left most socials years ago. Feedly for aggregation and desktop reading, and Reeder as a client for it on iDevices.

verisimilast Thursday at 6:06 PM

I'm a huge fan of rss, bemoan Google's evil actions, etc.

I'll add my recommendation after looking for an rss reader for the longest time - Feeder. Free, open source and excellent.

sewalshlast Thursday at 5:09 PM

Shout out to any share bro's out there! Long live RSS!

dhfgdufygeyesterday at 4:52 PM


webscoutlast Thursday at 5:03 PM


kuringgantengyesterday at 3:11 AM

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Technologies : Python (AI/LLM)

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