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ClassyJacket09/30/20245 repliesview on HN

Yes, I'm quite upset about the repurposing of "bop" to be offensive, it was a good word and I liked its old meaning.

For anyone who doesn't know, 'bop' to gen Z is a derogatory term for a sexually active woman, it basically means 'slut'.

Redefining existing words is something that really irritates me, particularly when it's used to attack women.



> For anyone who doesn't know, 'bop' to gen Z is a derogatory term for a sexually active woman, it basically means 'slut'.

I have never heard this and I'm "Gen Z". I looked at Urban Dictionary and the earliest definition that says slut goes back to 2005, so "Gen Z" definitely didn't come up with it.

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First usage I can think of is "boppers" in Paul Wall & Kanye West's 2005 "Drive Slow." It'd be a hell of a coincidence if they weren't related. In Wall's oeuvre it just seems to denote "the women I'm interested in" without much in the way of connotation.

> The disco ball in my mouth insinuates I'm ballin' > I'm leaning on the switch, sitting crooked in my slab > But I could still catch boppers if I drove a cab



We used "bopping around" as a term to describe a sexually confident woman enjoying herself on the scene, as a generally positive term, at least since 2015, so I'm not sure it's a zoomer thing. Did it become a derogatory term? As we used it it was explicitly in opposition to "slut," it was a word of empowerment. Like yeah she gets laid good for her.


Blitzkrieg.... Hoes?

I've spent a few more minutes than I should have trying to work this out. The only way I can figure this is it's related to the head movement? Still not sure. I sure do have very little love for this generation though

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> really irritates me, particularly when it's used to attack women.

It's black slang and it's decades old.

Rather than being some Woke Simp the truth is you don't like the way lower class black people speak.

Or maybe you don't like TikTokers speaking like lower class black people?

Or you could get over yourself and just explain words?