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notpushkin10/01/20241 replyview on HN

OP is being respectful and merely points out an issue: the codes generated don’t work with some devices. If you want a code that works with everything, you can’t do too much customization.

It’s a very okay thing to point out and there isn’t much negativity in it. I agree that we should support projects like this, but being dismissive of real issues is not the way.



No; top comment: "don't use it" because "I tested on <my setup>" and <it failed> - you don't see the problem?

It is OK to point out, but not to dissuade others from using, you see? Especially on a Show HN for a cool project where some good person has clearly poured their passion into it. You got to stand up for that stuff. Bring the positivity, man! Frame real issues in the correct (qualified and personal) light, not proclaiming a blanket recommendation, way to go.

I get how making such quick generalizations can serve you well as an engineer, but when people's work is involved it pays to think about it a bit more! :)

Example of respectful: I tried this, super cool, and I encourage everyone to give it a try. For my setup (details), I could only get 10 to work <more details if you want>, but that might just be me. All around super awesome project, love it!"

Example of truly awesome comment if you want to be a super star: I tried this, super cool, and I encourage everyone to give it a try. For my setup (details), I could only get 10 to work <more details if you want>, but that's probably just me! edit: Thinking about it some more, I realized it might be because my device uses an outdated lib<something> and I just updated that and I got 19 of them to work! I checked <the qr code scanning app>'s GitHub and saw they also hadn't updated this dependency. So I opened an issue, and let them know about this, here's the link: <gh issue>. All around super awesome project, love it!"

You get the idea?

Few word mantra: contribute and build, not deplete and discourage.

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