Food scarcity, poverty, clean water, basic health care. These are IMO excellent examples of people problems, not tech problems.
If it were tech problems we wouldn’t be drinking clean water, driving Teslas and eating fancy food now would we? These are more or less solved issues. Now what we have not solved is how to share our toys.
Of course, tech could help to lower barrier(s), making access so cheap even “they” can have it, but the fundamental problem here is: why do “we” have “it” and “they” do not?
These are deeply political problems with exceedingly thin ties to technology. I feel focusing on tech distracts from the true issues which are again political and cultural, related to, say, the economy and its underlying philosophy itself, education, geography, history, etc. I don’t know where exactly tech ends up on this list of major factors, but it’s not on the first few pages.
Interestingly I think it is the diplomacy and activism that enabled the resources to open up and drives activity in tech that then eventually winds up where it needs to.
food scarcity could be viewed as a bin packing problem when you consider the amount of food that gets thrown away.
It’s the trickle down theory all over again. If our toys are /extremely/ nice then surely global poverty will be relieved!?