It might vary. When you get a spam text, you can use something like Twilio's number lookup to find the carrier.
If you ever get a suspicious/spam text, looking up the carrier is a good first step. Most of the garbage I get comes from VoIP numbers because they can easily spin up disposable numbers from places like Telnyx or That's not to say someone can't be using an actual mobile phone, but usually it's coming from some VoIP system.
Bandwidth was the SMS sending company and "Scale to Win LC Registered" was the client who was using Bandwidth to send the SMS. I reached out to STW and had them blacklist me.
It might vary. When you get a spam text, you can use something like Twilio's number lookup to find the carrier.
If you ever get a suspicious/spam text, looking up the carrier is a good first step. Most of the garbage I get comes from VoIP numbers because they can easily spin up disposable numbers from places like Telnyx or That's not to say someone can't be using an actual mobile phone, but usually it's coming from some VoIP system.