What do governments need to implement? They already give you a passport which can be used as a digital ID.
Less than half of Americans have passports, and of the remaining half, a significant fraction do not have the necessary documents to obtain one. Many of these people are poor, people of color, or marginalized in other ways. Government ID is needed, but you generally find the GOP against actually building a robust, free, ubiquitous system because it would largely help Americans who vote Democratic. This is also why the GOP pushes Voter ID, but without providing any resources to ensure that Americans can get said ID.
Passport might be a bit onerous - it's expensive and painful process and many don't need it.
But it's a hilarious sign of worldwide government incompetence that social insurance or other citizen identification cards are not standard, free, and uniquely identifiable and usable for online ID purposes (presumably via some sort of verification service / PGP).
Government = people and laws. Government cannot even reliably ID people online. You had one job...
Services need the ability to obtain an identifier that:
- Belongs to exactly one real person.
- That a person cannot own more than one of.
- That is unique per-service.
- That cannot be tied to a real-world identity.
- That can be used by the person to optionally disclose attributes like whether they are an adult or not.
Services generally don’t care about knowing your exact identity but being able to ban a person and not have them simply register a new account, and being able to stop people from registering thousands of accounts would go a long way towards wiping out inauthentic and abusive behaviour.
I think DID is one effort to solve this problem, but I haven’t looked into it enough to know whether it’s any good: