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cynicalpeace10/01/20245 repliesview on HN

I wonder how much of Meta and other social media ad revenue is based on bot activity.

You can setup a campaign where you pay for comments and you're actually paying Meta to show your ad to a bunch of bots.

Does anyone have more resources/inside info that confirms/denies this suspicion?



I do - I think the effect on Meta’s ad revenue is nil.

Advertisers measure ad campaigns by ROAS (return on ad spend). This is driven by actual dollars spent, cutting out all bots right away.

Clicks / views / comments are irrelevant except as far as getting the ad to show for actual buyers.

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> You can setup a campaign where you pay for comments

You cannot setup a campaign where you pay for comments (https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1438417719786914#). But maybe you mean other user generated content like messages. You ought to be able to figure out pretty quickly if those are authentic.

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Facebook has become full of generic name accounts posting generic AI generated content. Despite all flagging it is incessant, which tells me it’s likely sanction or even created by the company to fill content gaps. I’d say 30-50% or content that shows for me is suspicious.


I often wonder this as well. Would love to have more insight into that


If people are paying lets say these morally questionable companies like meta ad campaigns, they deserve what they get. I don't want to condone any criminal behavior, but this whole business of people's mass manipulation is vastly immoral bunch of white (or not so white) lies.

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