Unfortunately it's still the main "shortform" social network here for local stuff. Not enough in my country moved to Mastodon or Bluesky. (Referenced HN comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41586643)
And no, it's definitely not worth it if you're joining/new enough. Anyone who asks me about Twitter I immediately tell them to not bother and that I'm just "stuck" there. My Following feed and most of the algorithmic feed is fine, it's just the replies & interaction that took a huge hit.
I'm curious what kind of engagement people who aren't prolific posters are seeing on Twitter these days. Before I left I noticed that engagement went off a cliff to near zero immediately following the aggressive algorithm changes with blue check spam being promoted, but remained normal on my other social channels. It didn't seem like there were any normal people talking with each other on Twitter.