> If the account is new and promoting Ruzzian narrative by denying the reality I can be 99% sure it is a paid person copy pasting arguments from a KGB manual, 1% is a home sovieticus with some free time.
I'm not as certain as you about that. Last time the US had a presidential election, it seems like almost half the country is either absolutely bananas and out of their mind, or half the country are robots.
But reality turns out to be less exciting in reality. People are just dumb, and spew whatever propaganda they happen to come across "at the right time". Same is true for Russians as it is for Americans.
I think it's mostly a timing thing. It's one thing for someone to say something dumb, but it's another for someone to say it immediately on a new account. That, to me, screams bot behavior. Also if they have a laser focus. Like if I open a twitter account and every single tweet is some closely related propaganda point.