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keepamovin10/01/20240 repliesview on HN

I think you're underestimating the importance of positivity. But aside from that: really? the one where the guy technical deep dives to solve some problem, seemed like a spam review to you, in the context of HN? How do you figure?

They're both genuine from me, one way I might write one. I feel sorry for you that you didn't feel that genuine emotion, or see the utility, but I'm glad you got something from it, hopefully it can help you write better ones in future!

Just curious: have you done many Show HN's yourself? You might be finding it hard to empathize with the uniqueness of that without having some experience doing it.

Regarding the drafts: first one's not really sandwich as much as genuinely owning "maybe this is my setup" (total correct), and expressing love for this cool project.

I like your one, it's a good start. I think focusing clearly on your test set up and expressing positivity is enough. Making recommendations or suggestions runs the risk of making too many unfounded assumptions about intended use, and clouding the market with unfounded restrictions when in reality you don't have the research to back that up. So, temper your pronouncements to the quality of your data, I guess, otherwise you might come across as gratuitously negative or fault finding, as OP here, even if not in "tone" per se, then in harmful effect (authoritative dismissal dimming engagement, etc).

Another way to say it might be: don't overestimate your ability to see real limitations, while underestimating your ability to harm a project or creator with the same.

These ideas, are they all really so shocking? If so, glad I could help bring a bit more light to the Show HNs by prompting some reflection!! :)