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ab_testing10/01/20241 replyview on HN

I think this is bad for the general population. Chrome is already planning to disable uBlock origin and many folks I know were ready to move browsers to Firefox to keep uBlock functionality. Now if uBlock is removed from Firefox extension store as well, there is no clear path to execute it from Github on managed machines. Sure if you are a developer and have admin rights, you can get it to work on Firefox, but a lot of people don't.



Per the article, uBlock Origin is still in the Firefox store at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin... ; it's the lighter MV3-based uBlock Origin Lite that was removed. So the general population can continue to use the full Origin.

And because the original non-lite uBlock Origin supports much more complicated rulesets, it should be effective even without code updates... but it still is concerning that the same Mozilla errors that caused Origin Lite to be flagged might extend to time-sensitive updates to the original Origin as well.