Location: Raleigh/Cary/Durham in NC/USA Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Snail chaser :) Oh well, generalist, focusing on backend development, I have considerable experience on the Java, Microsoft C# stack, and AWS. I used to have a fair amount of experience on the frontend/JS in the past but now I prefer to stick to the backend, unless the role is managerial. See below for keywords and buzzwords.
Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/3Wtvj8E
Email: dennis.mathew2000 #at# gmail dot com
These are keywords/buzzwords:
Tools/languages/applications - Java (J2EE) - Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JSF (Java Server Faces) , Java 8, Java 11, JavaMail, Core Java, Junit, ANT, Jdk, Maven, log4j, SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL, stored procedures, data structures, algorithms, cron jobs, Quartz, HTML, HTML5, XML, XSD, DTD, REST, SOAP, SOAP UI, Web Services (SOA), WSDL, CXF, Axis, Jersey, XPath, XSLT, iText, iTextSharp, AJAX, VoIP, SIP, JavaScript, EXT JS, CSS, CSS3, Object oriented programming, Data Structures , Collections, Common Algorithms, Optimizeit, javadoc, Popchart Java, VtigerCRM, Smarty, jQuery, JQuery UI, phpMyAdmin, ASP.NET, .NET, Visual Studio.Net IDE, NetBeans, Eclipse, VJ++, VSS, GIT, SVN/Subversion, Dreamweaver, TOAD, Winmerge, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Mantis, Java on Android, Android SDK, AVD Manager, Android Emulator, Android Debug Bridge, Spring Boot, Spring REST/JSON webservices, API design and development, monolithic and microservices architectures, Spring JMS, Spring Zuul API gateway, Struts, EJB, Hibernate, Wireshark, Apache Camel, OSB, UC4, Clearcase, Splunk, Crucible, JMS, VB script, bash script, Python(beginner) Active MQ. MQSeries/WebSphere MQ/IBM, CI/CD, Jenkins, UrbanCode Deploy, QuickBuild, Sonar Qube. Checkmarx, Fortify, Apache JMeter, Mulesoft API Designer, Swagger, OAuth 2.0/Okta/Jwt, LINQ, DHTML, XHTML, ASP, PHP, C#, Windows Forms, Crystal Reports, VB6, ActionScript, Flash, Camunda Modeler, Camunda Engine, Work Flow Engine, BPMN,
Databases – Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres, MS Access, SQLite, NoSQL/Mongo
O.S – Primarily Windows and rest Unix (AIX, Solaris, HP) and Linux (Centos / Servers and Android)
Cloud - Kubernetes, AWS( EC2, EBS,S3, RDS, lambda etc.) Google Cloud (Data Store, Storage Bucket, Pub/Sub) Docker
Servers – Apache, IIS, Jserv, GNU Jsp, Tomcat/Clusters/Load Balancers, WebLogic, JBoss, Asterisk