(Programming) languages take very long to "die". Most often you will get a long drawn out tail, and often parts of a language gets absorbed into other languages. Only the sages and etymologists will know where they have come from.
Old man reminiscence following, skip if you are not bored:
I worked with SNOBOL and I thought it will be a long term programming language. I also want to think that I had some tiny, minuscule hand in dev of RIPscrip pre-Telegraphix, alas it went as the dodo bird.
I think I have forgotten more programming languages than I can count on my hands. Yet, I see them in some part every day in newer languages, "discovered" by some expert. "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
One language has come to my aid for the last 30-ish years Perl has came to my aid many times.
(I tell you a secret - in the deep deep bowels of a a very, very large, jungle named company, servers still have tiny Perl scripts running some core functions. I discovered this, when there was a problem that I had to deep dive into. I a recommendation to change to a hard-coded variable. The answer was "it will take two weeks". Why? Because no one knew what it will do or could read Perl. It was a 30 second job, including sdlc. Think xkcd Dependency https://xkcd.com/2347/ )