Lately I've been pondering how one might create a "probably a human"/skin-in-the-game system. For example, imagine visiting an "attestor" site where you can make a one-time donation of $5 to a charity of your choice, and in exchange it gives you some proof-you-spent-money tokens. Those tokens can be spent (burned) by some collaborating site (e.g. HN) to mark your account there as likely a human, or at least a bot whose owner will feel pain if it is banned.
This would be far more privacy-preserving that dozens of national-ID lookup systems, and despite the appearance of "money for speech" it could actually be _cheaper_ than whatever mix of time and bus-fare and paperwork in a "free" system.
I imagine the big problems would be things like:
* How to handle fraudulent payments, e.g. someone buying tokens with a stolen credit card. Easiest fix would be some long waiting-period before the token becomes usable.
* How to protect against a fraudulent attestor site that just takes your money, or one whose tokens are value-less.
* How to protect against a fraudulent destination site that secretly harvests your proof-token for its own use, as opposed to testing/burning it properly. Possible social fix: Put in a fake token, if the site "accepts" then you know it's misbehaving.
* Handling decentralization, where multiple donation sites may be issuing their own tokens and multiple account-sites that may only want to support/trust a subset of those tokens.
It seems to me that ideas like this are unworkable due to income inequality.
$5 isn't much for a wealthy westerner. It's a reasonable amount for an unemployed westerner. It's 12% of their weekly budget for someone earning median wage ($160/month) in Vietnam. But if you put in place regional pricing, it'll be cheap enough that spammers will just operate out of low income countries and buy thousands of cheap accounts.
As a poor disabled citizen who also cares about privacy and freedom, I haven't heard a single idea for attestation that doesn't scare the shit out of me. But then, I'm a poor, disabled citizen, so my opinion doesn't hold much weight.
Have you checked out the L402[0] protocol?
It's basically using the HTTP 402: Payment Required status code and serving up a Lightning Network payment invoice.
Edit to add: it basically solves all of the caveat issues you identified.
>Possible social fix: Put in a fake token, if the site "accepts" then you know it's misbehaving.
IIUC the tokens would need to be cheaply verifiable by anyone as authentically issued, so a fake token would never be accepted (or if it somehow was, it would only tell you that the acceptor is fantastically lazy/incompetent).
I think that that verifiability, plus a guarantee that tokens will not be spent twice, plus visibility of all transactions, suffice: Then anyone can check the public ledger x minutes after they spent their and verify that the acceptor sent it straight to the burn address after receiving it. IOW, blockchain suffices. OTOH, it would be nice not to have to need the public ledger.
> Lately I've been pondering how one might create a "probably a human"/skin-in-the-game system.
This has the same energy as the "we need benchmarks for LLMs" startups. Like sure it's obvious and you can imagine really complex cathedrals about it. But nobody wants that. They "just" want Apple and Google to provide access to the same APIs their apps and backends use, associating authentic phone activity with user accounts. You already get most of the way there by supporting iCloud login, which should illuminate to you what you are really asking for is to play outside of Apple's ecosystem, a totally different ask.
> you can make a one-time donation of $5 to a charity of your choice ...
The Alcoholics Anonymous San Francisco website had to implement CAPTCHAs on their website because scammers were making one-time donations to make sure their stolen credit cards were still valid. Every morning we had to invalidate a dozen obviously-fake donations.