> requiring me to produce additional pollution and e-waste to run your program when I have a perfectly capable turing machine already is unconscionable
The waste of all 150m Nintendo Switches in production isn't eve a fraction of the actual worst environmental impacts of current society.
>Nintendo: Put your games on steam.
Why is it only now that it's "consiousable" to tell a business how to operate? Especially in conjunction to yet another, private, business?
If I don't like a business or their model, I simply don't deal with them. As I have with Apple for all my life. Neither Nintendo nor Apple are monopolies in their respective markets.
It's not only now. Product tying has been considered a bad thing for a long time. Console "exclusives" are pretty much the definition of tying. Why are businesses suddenly given unlimited leeway with anticompetitive practices (e.g. preventing anyone from offering a switch-compatible device with better frame rates/resolution) once copyright is involved? Emulators demonstrate that it's not a technology constraint causing market failures.
You should be able to buy a switch compatible device from e.g. Asus if you're not satisfied with Nintendo's hardware. Tying media to the device is just as absurd as requiring Sony speakers to listen to music from artists that signed with them or requiring a Disney television to watch sports.