In absolute value this is a fantastic contribution to support a very valuable project, and anybody who donates to Zig should be commended. It's one of a handful of projects that has a real chance of meaningfully pushing back against software bloat.
I do find it sobering to look at relative contribution, if for no other reason than to remind myself of the scales of money some are working with, and the out sized impact of having wealth. A $300k donation from a billionaire is loosely equivalent to somebody with $100k donating $30 (and likely has even less impact on quality of life!). We wouldn't have a hacker news article about such an event.
I should probably just shut up and go donate to Zig.
There comes a certain point at which more money doesn't (short term) benefit the project much, and this says nothing about the (arguably) more worthy causes Hashimoto may have donated to.
> We wouldn't have a hacker news article about such an event.
If it were someone famous I bet we would, although granted it is unlikely that someone famous only has $100k.
We just don't like each other that much.
300k is 300k and the people receiving it won’t care if that’s chump change to the donor. Probably one of or the biggest donations the zigs foundation ever got. I don’t think it’s worth it making equivalences, I just commend it.