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gorfian_robot10/02/20242 repliesview on HN

we used to 'joke' that you would have to set one of fire to get it to stop responding to a ping. even then, might take a while.



Been there done that? Circa 2001 I had a customer with a rack of 220R's and Clariion storage arrays. I was paged about an app outage and saw (IIRC) "environmental errors" in the logs about the temperature of the machines. One of the Clariion's, in the same rack, had caught fire which brought the database / app down but the 220R's kept chugging along. Unsurprisingly this was quickly followed a call from the NOC that the fire suppression kicking in and that I should down get there ASAP.

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That was the joke my VMS colleagues said to us the younger unix hotshots.