We use it for all new services at Writer. Jack Henry, SiriusXM, Starbucks, Disney streaming services, and Capitol One all have services (not data-science) divisions producing new projects in Scala ranging from the last five years to today.
There are many others, of course, bit those are the teams at places people have heard of off of the top of my head. It's far from dead.
What does seem to be dying are the framework-centric Play Akka, and non Airflow raw Spark jobs out there. Now, a lot of that is because they were framework jobs that happened to originate in the scala ecosystem - scala was largely incidental and was chosen because of founding project members' preferences or due to the need to develop a commercial market, imho.
As a fellow vendor for one of those names you dropped - I recommend you not to name any companies.
That’s precisely why people think it died. It became stable and therefore useful. It is therefore not talked about every 3 seconds by startup founders.