That'd be a nice way of looking at it, if serving content was cheap. It is not. I want to put my CV online, but I'm not willing to shill out tens of thousands every year to have it scraped for gigabytes per day. Doesn't happen, you say? Didn't before, definitely. Now there's so many scrapers building data sets that I've certainly had to block entire ranges of IPs due to repeated wasting of money.
It's like the classic "little lambda thing" that someone posts on HN and finds a $2 million invoice in their inbox a couple weeks later. Except instead of going viral your achievements get mulched by AI.
Gigabytes? How big is your CV?
>lambda thing
I never understood why anyone thought this was ever a good idea. QoS is a natural rate limit for non critical resources.
I have a personal website (including my CV in PDF), blog, and self-hosted email. A story I posted once made the HN frontpage and my e-mail is in my profile, meaning my content is read by more bots than humans.
My monthly hosting costs are ca. $10 a month. Therefore I'm really curious: if hosting your CV requires "tens of thousands every year", what does your setup looks like?