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_rm10/02/20242 repliesview on HN

All of these screeds ultimately come down to one thing: "I don't like being managed".

It's the height of arrogance to say these frameworks like scrum are popular purely because managers are morons hell bent on destroying productivity.

If you don't like it, you've options. You can try get promoted to management and do a better job, but of course you don't like that - you'd rather burn countless hours playing with the next hottest framework. Or you can start your little LLC and go it alone, but of course you'll quickly find out what that's like as a programmer. Or you can spend all day programming unmanaged, on your own projects or open source - and find out the monetary value of that.



Where is the advocacy for the only tried and true method of organizing with your fellow coworkers and collectively bargaining together to better your work environment?

Why is the onus on a single individual to solve all the problems and not you know… as a cohesive group working together.

Telling people that if they don’t like it they should basically create their own company with their own methods is just unrealistic.


No, please tell us what that’s like as a programmer.