Location: Texas, USA
Remote: Yes, but flexible
Willing to relocate: Yes, flexible. Eager to relocate to areas with high walkability/bikeability.
Technologies: Solid understanding of Python, SQL, and PowerShell library code. Have used C#, C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, and VB.NET for professional purposes, but only to solve one-off problems.
Résumé/CV: Worked as a mechanical design and project engineer for 5 years in various industries, then moved to QA/BA for a mechanical design software company. Heavy focus on the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, and pressure vessel construction in general. Now I'm a software dev at another company. 5 years' MechE experience, 7 years programming experience. I'm currently the architect / team lead / mentor for QA automation. Detailed resume available on request.
Email: %my_username%[email protected]
General comments:I would really like to combine my two sets of expertise - I've done original engineering projects (design and calculation -> BOM -> buy -> build -> ship) projects and have executed on the product lifecycle for large software solutions in Python, but I've never had the opportunity to use both sets of skills in the same role at the same time.
Additionally, my resume doesn't necessarily reflect what I am capable of; it only reflects the resources I've had available and the needs of my employers over time. More than anything else, I love to learn, solve problems, and educate others.