Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Remote: Yes, remote work is preferred -- however, if the job is in person let's still talk
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Python, Linux, AI softwares and prompt engineering, data science, GenAI, data science masters and library science masters
Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/143J9ezdNJshgxrj9XBBQfxE7IYW...
Email: [email protected]
Data Scientist with 4 years of proven experience in seamlessly navigating the entire data science project life cycle such as data extraction, data cleaning, statistical modeling, and data visualization with large data sets of structured and unstructured data. Expertise in transforming business requirements into analytical models, designing algorithms, building models, and developing data mining and reporting solutions that scale across the massive volume of structured and unstructured data. Experienced with developing, implementing, debugging, and extending machine learning algorithms including shallow and deep learning. Excellent communication skills and successfully working in a fast-paced multitasking environment both independently and in a collaborative team. Continuously devoted to advancing knowledge as a self-motivated and enthusiastic learner.