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Nadya10/10/20242 repliesview on HN

Crazy seeing a weird gloop post in the morning on HN.

Cook is very passionate about wikis - as is the rest of the team - and the RS wiki has long been regarded as one of the best gaming wikis on the internet; no contest. If you run a wiki - talk to Weird Gloop. The blog isn't bullshit and they genuinely want to help.

I think it's awesome that they're helping more wikis move away from Fandom after the success of the Minecraft wiki moving.

They also are running a wiki for Andrew Gower's upcoming game as well.

I really hope I hear about other wikis making the move in the near future. Fandom deserves to die out.

The RS Wiki is the single website I've whitelisted in my ad blocker. And despite needing ads to cover costs - they made sure to ask the community first about adding them and what alternatives to funding might be possible. It was really a last resort and they are obsessive about making sure the ads are non-intrusive, single banner, not in primary real estate, and not harming the wiki experience. If any ads cause problems they completely pause running ads until the ad host resolves the issue. Although I'm usually signed in - so never see ads anyway as they only show for users who aren't signed in.



If they're non-tracking ads (related to the content of the wiki, instead of the content of the visitor), I could almost like them.


There's also a channel on the rs wiki's discord for reporting bad ads, which Cook responds to very quickly (single digit minutes from the interactions I've seen).