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Dalewyn10/11/20242 repliesview on HN

Japan's national security policy is hypocritical given that it relies solely on the US nuclear umbrella for security despite disavowing anything to do with nuclear weapons, but unfortunately reality is not ideality.

Ukraine is the perfect example of what actually happens when a country discards its nuclear arsenal.

So yes, Japan is absolutely hypocritical and the Nobel Peace Prize has been the most vapid of all the Nobel Prizes, but for once this Peace Prize is actually trying to say something meaningful in an ever violent human world.



> Ukraine is the perfect example of what actually happens when a country discards its nuclear arsenal.

That's silly. Ukraine never had a nuclear arsenal. Ukraine had nuclear weapons on their soil, but they were managed, and controlled by forces loyal to Moscow. Had forces loyal to Kyiv tried to force their way into the silos they would have been repelled and a war would have broken out there and then.

Ukraine had a nuclear arsenal as much as Turkey has a nuclear arsenal because the USA stores nuclear warheads in Incirlik.

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As a matter of fact Japan has no other choice than being under US protection.

I can't imagine a chain of event that would lead the US to get out of Japan volunteerly [0], nor Japan being able to kick the US out forcibly. It's just outside of the realm of possibility right now.

[0] they won't even move out of Okinawa as the whole island loathes the US base and gives the middle finger to their own gov to get them out.