I got a RP2350 "Feather"[1] from Adafruit[2]. Amazing little thing, with lots of stuff built-in. The lipoly charge port is super useful and Just Works, and the STEMMA QT connector means no soldering or breadboards for simple projects. My main half-baked idea for this is to control a CPU usage monitor[3], but I also want to make some better lights for my Lego SHIELD Helicarrier, and maybe add some movement too.
And now you're telling me I can use Lisp on this? It would be interesting to see how streamlined the development process is for each one of uLisp, CircuitPython, MicroPython, and Arduino/C.
[1] https://www.adafruit.com/product/6000
[2] https://www.adafruit.com/new <-- one of my favourite places to window-shop :)
[3] Yeah I'm rambling but my end goal is to drive an LED matrix that ends up looking like btop's CPU meter. Why not just show btop on a separate small screen? That is a very good question to which I have no answer.
Rust also runs on picos and Esp32s, if that’s your jam.