Aiming for higher occupancy is not always a desired solution, what frequently matters more is avoiding global memory latencies by retaining more data in registers and/or shared memory. This was first noted in 2010 and is still true today:
I would also think in terms of latency hiding rather than just work parallelism (though latency hiding on GPUs is largely because of parallelism). This is the reason why GPUs have massive register files, because unlike modern multi-core CPUs, we omit latency reducing hardware (e.g., speculative execution, large caches, that out-of-order execution stuff/register renaming etc) and in order to fill pipelines we need to have many instructions outstanding, which means that the operands for those pending arguments need to remain around for a lot longer, hence the massive register file.
I agree that optimizing for lower occupancy can yield significant performance gains in specific cases, especially when memory latencies are the primary bottleneck. Leveraging ILP and storing more data in registers can indeed help reduce the need for higher occupancy and lead to more efficient kernels. The examples in the GTC2010 talks highlighted that quite well. However, I would argue that occupancy still plays an important role, especially for scalability and general-purpose optimization. Over-relying on low occupancy and fewer threads, while beneficial in certain contexts, has its limits.
The first thing to consider is the register pressure. Increasing the number of registers per thread to optimize for ILP can lead to register spilling when the register file is exhausted, which drastically reduces performance. This becomes more pronounced as problem sizes scale up (the talk examples avoids that problem). Many real-world applications, especially compute-bound kernels, need high occupancy to fully utilize the GPU’s resources. Focusing too much on minimizing thread counts can lead to underutilization of the SM’s parallel execution units. An standard example will be inference engines.
Also, while low-occupancy optimizations can be effective for specific workloads (e.g, memory-bound kernels), designing code that depends on such strategies as a general practice can result in less adaptable and robust solutions for a wide variety of applications.
I believe there is a balance to strike here. low occupancy can work for specific cases, higher occupancy often provides better scalability and overall performance for more general use cases. But you have to test for that while you are optimizing your code. There will not be a general rule of thump to follow here.