It's just so dissonant to me that the tokens in mathematics are the digits, and not bundles of digits. The idea of tokenization makes sense for taking the power off letters, it provides language agnosticism.
But for maths, it doesn't seem appropriate.
I wonder what the effect of forcing tokenization for each separate digit be.
This reminds me of the riddle of someone buying the numerals to put their address on their house. When you are looking at text, the point is all you have are the characters/symbols/tokens/whatever you want to call them. You can't really shepherd some over to their numeric value while leaving some at their token value. Unless you want to cause other issues when it comes time to reason about them later.
I'd hazard that the majority of numbers in most text are not such that they should be converted to a number, per se. Consider addresses, postal codes, phone numbers, ... ok, I may have run out of things to consider. :D