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Yes but we overcome. We can do absolutely insane things like just large prime number testing, because of reasoning + tool use.

Humans invent tools and wield them. Whether it's pen & paper to extend our memory, a horse to become stronger, a calculator to speed up our thinking or an airplane to literally fly, the tools we wield become extensions of our agency and control.

A lonely human without knowledge sharing or tools isn’t that much more capable in their lifetime than the smartest animals. When we talk about human ability colloquially, we’re generally talking about what we can do with access to our human heritage, civilization, safety and access to materials and tools.

Pattern matching against something others have already done is great but this is shared with at the very least all mammals to some extent. Pushing the boundaries of our species forward over time is a different game. Or at least, it seems to be…

It certainly seems like we’ve found the holy grail of pattern matching (system 1 thinking), which is an insane leap! But what about system 2? The million dollar question is what the hell is the topology of that pre-frontal cortex thinking machine? Is it just more pattern matching but against different patterns? Or is it completely and qualitatively different? And if so, is it more or less hard? To me, following the debate is just watching one bad prediction after another, (including my own of course). We just don't know how it works. Not you or me, not Sam Altman in full though-leading leather jacket uniform, or even our top neuro-scientists.