One core issue is that we need to convert spoken/written languages (e.g. english) into more formal math languages since sometimes the underlying mathematical problem is written using prose. The example in the paper:
> When Sophie watches her nephew, she gets out a variety of toys for him. The bag of building blocks has 31 blocks in it. The bin of stuffed animals has 8 stuffed animals inside. The tower of stacking rings has 9 multicolored rings on it. Sophie recently bought a tube of bouncy balls, bringing her total number of toys for her nephew up to 62. How many bouncy balls came in the tube?
So I would argue it's critical that LLMs knows how to convert text to math and then perform those math calculations. This extends beyond just math but also the underlying logics.
We just need to figure out how to inform the LLM to read, write, and understand formal languages. My guess is attention heads could probably work in this context, but we might want something that is a little more rigid, naturally extending from the rigidity of logic and formal languages. Conversely, we might not have figured out how to properly train LLMs on formal languages and have them preserve the underlying logic and axioms necessary to correctly perform math calculations.