Criticality is the boundary between order and chaos, which also happens to be the boundary at which information dynamics and computation can occur. Think of it like this: a highly ordered structure cannot carry much information because there are few degrees of freedom. The other extreme is too many degrees of freedom in a chaotic environment; any correlated state quickly gets destroyed by entropy. The point at which the two dynamics are balanced is where computation can occur. This point has enough dynamics that state can change in a controlled manner, and enough order so that state can reliably persist over time.
I would speculate that the connection between grokking and criticality is that grokking represents the point at which a network maximizes the utility of information in service to prediction. This maximum would be when dynamics and rigidity are finely tuned to the constraints of the problem the network is solving, when computation is being leveraged to maximum effect. Presumably this maximum leverage of computation is the point of ideal generalization.
This looks very interesting. Would you have references ? ( not necessarily on grokking but about the part where computation can occur only when the right balance is found )
A scale-free network is one whose degree distribution follows a power law. [0]
Self-organized criticality describes a phenomenon where certain complex systems naturally evolve toward a critical state where they exhibit power-law behavior and scale invariance. [1]
The power laws observed in such systems suggest they are at the edge between order and chaos. In intelligent systems, such as the brain, this edge-of-chaos behavior is thought to enable maximal adaptability, information processing, and optimization.
The brain has been proposed to operate near critical points, with neural avalanches following power laws. This allows a very small amount of energy to have an outsized impact, the key feature of scale-free networks. This phenomenon is a natural extension of the stationary action principle.