I don't think it's just people who have willpower and discipline, it seems to me that for most people it doesn't take as much willpower and discipline to stay at a reasonable weight. These arguments make it sound as if everyone who is at a reasonable weight is there through large amounts of willpower and discipline, but most people I know don't need to exercise X times per week and constantly watch what they eat to keep that weight.
It's much easier when you can trust your body feedback and rely on your regular hunger signals, but for most people who benefit from Ozempic for weight loss if they just trust their bodies they will get fat.
Yea, when you look historically, starvation and food shortages were the norm. If you were a person that could pack on the pounds during the bountiful times, you could survive the lean times. Suddenly we live in the times of never ending plenty and we're told "what's wrong with you".