You say they embark on a language whose future is uncertain, while being the most popular language in the world, and advise them to learn Scheme instead? Lmao.
You are citing the Tiobe index for the "most popular language"? The Tiobe index just counts the searches that include "Python". Which means that beginners who search for "leftpad python" or people who search for "python sucks" are included.
Google is reducing its Python investment. Python is just the most marketed language.
Students learning Scheme learn good habits, and Scheme will not go away.
If students' first and best-known programming language leaving college is relatively small or niche in a way that makes it unlikely to find it practical to unconditionally use it everywhere, that might actually be good for the software engineering discipline as a whole.
One healthy thing a move like that might encourage is turning which language to use into a more deliberate choice based on the virtues of the language itself with respect to a task. With Python it's kinda too easy to just always reach for the familiar whether it's actually a good fit or not.