I don't get what you are trying to mean at all? Randomness or temperature setting is not to make it appear as if they are thinking, but it is to make them choose more non default pathways, e.g. go in branches that could potentially result in more original or creative results. Kind of like drugs for humans.
>but it is to make them choose more non default pathways
Imagine you as a human are working on writing some code, but at the end of every hour, you lose memory of what happened in the first 10 minutes of the current hour, as well as any work that you have done. Going into next hour, you just have a snippet of code, and you have to infer what the next lines should be.
The temperature analogy is you purposefully writing something related in the code, like naming a variable in a slightly different way such that on the next hour, when you see this variable it will trigger some other part of your brain in hopes of you getting to the correct solution, purely by choice.
Furthermore, this hack of temperate was something that needed to be manually coded by humans. A model that could reason would not need those types of hacks.