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Syonyk10/11/20241 replyview on HN

Console logs that look possibly interesting:

> WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER. v1:1:102781

> Turnstile Widget seem to have crashed: 9icuj api.js:1:17810

> Uncaught TurnstileError: [Cloudflare Turnstile] Error: 300030. > https://urlshortenersaresoyesterdaytrythisamazingsuperlongur... B2SIiwBB.js:9


I don't have WebGL support, so I can't use a URL lengthener, because the bot checker appears to crash shortly after. Someone stop this timeline, I want to get off.



I also disable WebGL. This alone breaks Turnstile. Also helps avoid websites that are "user-hostile". If a website considers curl or Firefox suspicious, then it's not worth proving humanity. I will let them continue calling me a robot in machine-translated Japanese...

The worst is probably hCaptcha. It asks up to 10 machine-translated questions involving machine-generated images to prove the user is not a machine. Something about this is funny to me.