it's interesting to see the initial sections on all these amazeballs health benefits and then cuts to the disparity between rich and poor.
like, does spending TRILLIONs on AI to find some new biological cure or brain enhancement REALLY help, when over 2 BILLION people right now don't even have access to clean drinking water, and MOST of the US population can't even afford basic health care.
but yea, AI will bring all this scientific advancement to EVERYONE. right. AI is a ploy for RICH PEOPLE to get RICHER and poor people to become EVEN MORE dependent on BROKEN economic systems.
Damn, if only there was a section dedicated to addressing that:
I don't even disagree with you - our world economy is built on exploitation and the existence of a permanent underclass, and capitalism has proven itself to be an unfair distributor of wealth - but at least engage with the post?