I agree with you there, on all parts.
My reason for learning Rust in the first place was trying to contribute to the servo engine. But then, Mozilla happened. My hope for servo continues, but it won't go anywhere if it stays in the limbo it has been in after Mozilla ditched it as a project. We need a real browser project, with a full UI/UX and everything, until people take it serious as a base to fork off.
The problem with reality is that almost all software is still built on C. Kernels, userspace APIs, libraries, everything. I just wish that we would've gotten something like C ABIs, but with memory safety and VM-to-VM communication in mind, e.g. for Rust and Go, along the way. WebASM / WASI somehow got there, at least in that direction. But it's never seen as a shared object or dll replacement, and always is just a compile target and nothing more - even when the potential is there.
Something like that would solve so many problems that all kinds of programming language are trying to solve by themselves, over and over again.
Your personal site is awesome by the way! Though I got too excited about the CV "challenge" until I read on GitHub it really is just a random password you hand out to people and not a "find the secret password somewhere and trigger its" somewhere :p.
Cookie invaders gave me a good shock too :D. As well as the random "bloop" sounds. 10/10