This is a very American way of thinking about it - not invented here vibes all over.
Of course people don’t choose to be obese, but the culture and environment inevitably pushes you to it. A proof of that is that there are places in the world, with similar genes, that don’t have the same problem in the degree that US does.
I don’t think it is a personal failing, more a collective one - the society itself has chosen a set of environmental factors as desirable (car centric, hectic, individualistic, processed cheap food etc) and it just results in more obese people.
Loose the cars (change to walk / cycle / public transport), spend on food as much as the rest of the world do (adjusted to PPP) and suddenly you don’t need ozempic.
It is still weird to me how US choose unironically to develop a drug for reducing addiction, and not putting societal pressure to fix the environmental issues. It’s a democracy, people do choose all of that and can’t really blame it on the government.
Obesity is rising rapidly over much of the developed world, both in Europe and Asia, on a trajectory fairly similar to the historical trajectory of it in the US. Obesity in adult men in North Korea more than doubled between 2009 and 2019. The UK is already up to 26% obesity. 36% of adults in Mexico are obese.
America is an unfortunate pioneer in obesity, but it is not even remotely unique to America.
> It is still weird to me how US choose unironically to develop a drug for reducing addiction
Novo Nordisk, the company behind Ozempic, is Danish. (Eli Lilly is American, though, for the tirzepatide drugs.)
I don't disagree with your fundamental premise - a huge amount of the initial conditions for obesity are environmental. But they're incredibly far ranging, incredibly intertwined with modern life in much of the developed world. Unwinding those, even with strong support from the people, would take decades.
We should still do it. But in the mean time, there's a hell of a lot of people that would die earlier than they would if they weren't obese. And a hell of a lot of them can significantly increase their lifespan with the help of these drugs.