> What would be super awesome, imo, would be if I could assign "some sites" as a short code, then snaps that.
My app https://multi-launch.leftium.com already does that! (Except with buttons; bang triggers coming soon...) Note you need to give browser permissions to open pop-ups, otherwise multiple tabs cannot be opened.
- Docs/examples: https://mm.leftium.com/doc
- All buttons share the (text) input at the top. ENTER inside the input triggers the first blue button.
- Blue buttons launch all dark gray links in their category.
- Gray buttons launch individual links.
- Light gray buttons are excluded from the launch group (but they can be manually launched.)
Recently I realized bangs and launch buttons are just bookmarks. So I'm currently combining these concepts so you can launch bookmarks or groups of bookmarks with a bang trigger. (As well as take notes for a URL!)
- The very first iteration of this idea launched multiple images searches at the same time: https://is.leftium.com/
- Now implemented as a launch group: https://mm.leftium.com/?p=C4S2BsFMAIF5oEQEkC2BDA5jAypNAnAYwA...