What do you mean by deal with transpiration? Elixir and LFE also both compile to Erlang and then run the BEAM compiler to generate bytecode. Erlang is the only BEAM language which goes to bytecode directly today.
Transpilation usually refers to the fact the target of your compiler is another language source code, which then has to be parsed again. Which leads to issues such as mismatched lines in stacktraces at runtime. Elixir and LFE use the same compiler tooling as Erlang, but the source is parsed just once, and all line information pertains to the original Elixir/LFE source code.
Transpilation usually refers to the fact the target of your compiler is another language source code, which then has to be parsed again. Which leads to issues such as mismatched lines in stacktraces at runtime. Elixir and LFE use the same compiler tooling as Erlang, but the source is parsed just once, and all line information pertains to the original Elixir/LFE source code.