It's still in a class of pure "guessing" because just because something looks "correct" early on is meaningless two steps into the future. Everything will have a 50/50 probability of being "correct" based on any given scenario. What you're saying is somewhat analogous to predicting that a coin flip will land on 'heads' if it landed on heads at the last flip, or even 20 of the last flips in a row. I'm actually not a great statistician myself, but I think I'm right on this one. :)
>It's still in a class of pure "guessing" because just because something looks "correct" early on is meaningless two steps into the future.
It's true that a "good" decision now might turn out to be "bad" later, but whether it's effective in improving a solution depends on the fraction of times that happens, which is almost certainly not 50%. Hill-climbing methods like this are used everywhere in optimisation when you want a decent solution quickly and don't require optimality.
>somewhat analogous to predicting that a coin flip will land on 'heads' if it landed on heads at the last flip
I'm no statistician either, but this is not analogous at all.