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magnetowasright10/14/20240 repliesview on HN

I love my PiHole. I block more stuff than just ads with it. No problems with false positives in default setups. I went a bit nuts adding blocklists, personally (it's not necessary lmao; be judicious with what blocklists you add!) so sometimes run into something, but whitelisting things is really simple and I can't remember the last time I had to do it. My not-very-technical husband learned very quickly how to look in the query log to check if the PiHole is blocking something. He hasn't had to in ages. Temporarily disabling blocking is also super easy (simple, quick, effective escape hatch), and so is managing the various lists, so if my husband whitelists something from the query log and I want to refine it for some reason, I can without working hard. The configurability of blocking per configured group or client is amazing (and simple) as well; the video game consoles have separate rule sets than everything else which works super well for me.

Once again, I went stupid adding blocklists so the level of management previously required is kinda worst case-y and it is absolutely my own doing and since working through my idiocy it just works its magic without needing intervention. If you're more careful about not adding blocklists which say 'this will break things' (not hard) you'll be fine.