I think this is interesting but I'm totally out of the loop.
He links to https://github.com/brabalan/org-review - what is that? What is org mode and org mode review? What is a sketchnote and how do you create one?
org-mode is an extension for emacs. It's centered around a plaintext markup-format which is specialized for organization and note-taking, hence the name. It has several other extensions build up on the core-extension, and it's format, many coming from the original project itself. And it has later branched out into other areas, like literate programming, personal databases, etc.
Seems org-review is one such extension.
And a sketchnote is a visual note, something where you draw/sketch your information. Basically a more freestyle diagram or something to tell a short story.
[Org mode](https://orgmode.org/) is a popular emacs plugin for organizing notes and todos. I don’t use it so I can’t be sure, but the reference to review is [probably this](https://orgmode.org/manual/Stuck-projects.html) about doing a weekly review of one’s tasks and projects, probably in line with [the practice](https://gettingthingsdone.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Wee...) from the Getting Things Done productivity system. [Sketchnotes](https://rohdesign.com/sketchnotes) are an artistic visual summary.