I am actually working on a logical query language that's a successor to prolog here: https://memelang.net/02/. Any feedback appreciated!
It's a bold statement to call something a Prolog successor! Are you aiming for a general purpose logic programming language like Prolog, or targeting the use case of querying knowledge bases?
One of the draws to Prolog is its immensely simple syntax: A.R:B = true in your case would be represented as simply r(A, B).
It looks like you've elevated some set theory properties to syntax, and have added some neat sugar over chained relations. Have you found areas where this really shines as compared to writing more standard Prolog/Datalog queries? I'm afraid I couldn't see many examples on first look at your Github.
Alternative would be interesting, but successor is thought provoking. Do you mean to say most all Prolog capabilities will be possible to do in Meme?
It might be worth using standard vocabulary. For example:
> Reciprocal relations are their own inverse.
The usual word for this is "symmetric".
> Recursive relations can be chained to themselves infinitely. For example, "my ancestor's ancestor is also my ancestor."
The usual word for this is "transitive".
A reflexive, symmetric, transitive relation is called an "equivalence relation", and it can be used much like equality. It'd be nice if your language had support for this, though I don't immediately see how to add it.