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This is a satire ... right?



Haha, no.

But I know the feeling. I've seen videos about people who have special physical filing cabinets for notecards that take up an entire tabletop. They have to figure out how to number these things, which can open up a can of worms and lots of differing opinions.

This can seem farcical at times. Sometimes the knowledge-management world can seem like a manifestation of OCD or perfectionism.

But to be clear, I don't want to discount in any way that such approaches could work for many people on many projects. My general take is that if a person is being mindful about the _effort in_ versus _benefit out_, they'll probably end up in a pretty good place.

For YouTubers in a niche of a niche, sometimes there is a positive feedback loop to just go deeper down the rabbit hole. For example, once a content creator has "committed" to a paper-only Zettelkasten system, what are the chances they are going to "mellow out" and move to a hybrid paper+digital system?

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No, emacs and note-taking are forms of pointlessly recursive refinement. Think of sharpening a sword you've no intention to swing. Hold up a hand mirror to your vanity mirror. The resulting wormhole is what you get with emacs and note-taking.

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What point(s) of that discussion feel to you like satire? I'm not trying to be snarky; I'm genuinely curious. I remember myself when I was younger; I never viewed note-taking as a serious endeavor. Oh boy, how wrong I was. I wish I had found better ways of taking notes sooner.

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