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JohnAtQNX11/07/20242 repliesview on HN

Hiya! We've discussed how to make that work. It's good to hear the same thing from an outside voice. I'll bring it back to the table to inch it along. Thanks!



I will echo this. Back around 2000 I recall getting a QNX live CD with a magazine. That was the ultimate in low friction, I didn't even know QNX was a thing but a copy of it landed in my lap so I gave it a shot.

At the time it didn't support my sound card or modem so it was dead in the water for me but it was an interesting experience that earned the platform a near mythical spot in my mind for decades following.

Keep friction low if you want people to try your thing.


This is in the same category as VPN vendors that require a login to download their VPN client.

When you're a consultant or a random sysops person in a huge enterprise, that's infuriating. There is zero benefit to the vendor doing this, nobody can ever benefit from "pirating" a free component that can't be used without another paid component.

I've permanently blacklisted vendors for pulling this kind of thing.

Most recently Crowdstrike: I was up all weekend doing emergency server rollbacks and they had the nerve to publish critical information behind a login!

Tip: If your company ever uses the word "you" in any communication of any kind, then that company has made a serious error of understanding. There is no "you" at an enterprise customer! There's teams of many people each, and not all of them are even aware of who has an account and for what.