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heftig11/08/20243 repliesview on HN

When people "donate their body to science", they don't usually expect their parts getting sold to the public. But that's the reality of it.



I just recently donated my body "to science" (actually to a medical school). They specifically asked if keeping skeletal parts was a-ok or not as part of the authorization form signed. They also asked if stabbing, burning, or blunt force trauma was ok. I told them they could do whatever the heck they wanted, just not to waste anything. If that includes selling parts to make money for the school, cool by me. The best part of the deal is zero funeral expenses, and they'll even give your family back the cremated ashes for free. Though as part of the additional 'ok to skeletonize' part I signed, no remains would come back to the family.

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Well, at least it goes to the user who values it most.


s/the public/citizen scientists/ and all is OK now!