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sodality211/08/20245 repliesview on HN

I remember complaining to my friends about how frustrating it was to hear that a medicine I frequently used turned out to be placebo, exactly one year ago today. Opened this article up, I'm currently taking the _exact same_ one in the article photo - it's what I had lying around and I had forgotten the name of the "bad" sudafed (it's sudafed PE). They need to take it off the shelves quicker. Every day is tens of thousands of more people who are scammed.

Putting my money where my mouth is and leaving a comment on the FDA proposal...



I remember when the law first went into place. I bought some meds and the next day was back at the store because the new stuff didn’t work. For me it was even more obvious because pseudoephedrine works so well for me.


PE = Placebo Effect


My grocery store pharmacy has homeopathic stuff next to the Sudafed too. Is literally a placebo.

At least the Sudafed has acetaminophen in it ...

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How can you believe you've been taking a placebo for years? Phenylephrine is used for the illicit synthesis of methamphetamine, so there's an inherent bias towards anything that gets it off the shelves. Cherry picking studies that say it's ineffective is more velvet glove than using only the iron fist to ban the stuff. But make no mistake that the iron fist is taking your meds away either way.

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