your point gets made over and over and over, I get it, health nuts have a list of things that they think are healthy.
My point, that there's a cost to all this that might not get repaid, is a fresh take that you never see unless you've read one of my other comments making the point.
If you are waiting for studies that perfectly model every variable before you spend 5 minutes walking, you are unlikely to be satisfied within your rapidly decreasing lifespan.
I really don't think "walk briskly for five minutes a day" is a health nut thing. That sounds more like the advice your doctor gives you when she knows you won't do anything a health nut says.
> that might not get repaid
This is the part that we know is false. The benefits outweight the costs. But fine, suffer if you want.
This research exists. This study [1] suggests a 2.7 year increase in life expectancy. Doing some math, 5 minutes per day for 80 years is around 0.2 years.
So sure I might have gone fishing a bit to respond to a random HN comment but the data is out there and you have a brain.