>I bet you think people should trust you even though I also bet you were wrong about something once.
Is there anything I've been wrong about which has been significant for a couple of decades?
Pseudoephedrine left OTC in about 2006, phenylephrine has been the main decongestant available and there's been solid evidence out there for a long time that it didn't do anything.
Did you think this addressed the point?
I don't hear anything that shows that this mistake is part of the majority or minority.
How long ago it was made is insignificant.
I have no reason to think that you do not have a similar 20 year old ongoing error unless you are physically not yet 20 years old. I'm sure I probably do. I'm sure everyone does. It's not a remarkable thing.
They are also right now self-correcting this error, while I still have mine whatever they are.
Regardless, it still doesn't answer the question of exception vs rule. No matter how bad or long-running this error is, it doesn't matter, what matters is, is it representative of most of their policies and actions? It might be, but you have not shown that it is and I have not shown that it's not.